Chromis albomaculata(382326)相關文獻 共 4 筆
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編號 作者 標題 關連魚種
00304 Moyer, J.T. 1977 Aggressive mimicry between juveniles of the snapper Lutjanus bohar and species of the damselfish genus Chromis from Japan. 382099;382325... 
04308 Kamohara, T. 1960 On the Fishes of the Genus Chromis (Family Amphiprionidae, Chromides, Pisces), Found in the Waters of Japan. 382326;382335 
05444 Kim, Y.U.; Kim, J.K. 1997 Morphological Study of the Genus Chromis from Korea. II. Comparison of Skeletal Characters of Chromis notata, Chromis analis and Chromis fumea. 382329;382336... 
07422 Lin, Pai-Lei.; Kwang-Tsao Shao; Jeng-Ping Chen, 林沛立,邵廣昭,陳正平 1994 Five new records of coastal fishes from western Taiwan 臺灣西部沿海產五種新記錄魚. 382583;382326... 

